Finding YOU Time

This 8 week Group Coaching Program gives you all the tools, strategies and practices to support you in creating the perfect work life balance so you can achieve everything you desire with ease.

Message from Jo  

No more compromising the most important priority of all, you and family time!

Connecting more deeply with yourself, creating space to do the things that you love and that bring you joy, whilst being productive as you calmly moving through your day towards your daily goals and life long dreams.

I am so grateful for your coaching; it was a springboard to a better me. I am more aware of who I am, I’m maturing finally. I dream, but I’m not a dreamer, now I dive in with confidence when I want to try something artistically or practically. I have so much more to give, and I am no longer a victim of trauma. What I was going through at that time did not define me. However, your support along with the group, helped me through a tough time, and that created the catalyst for the change I needed to make to help me achieve continuing happiness.
— Suzette, Lanook, NSW Aus
  • Finally tackle that health, weight, financial or relationship goal that you’ve been struggling with for so long.

  • Have the clarity about what you want, your goals so you can move follow your path and intuition in the direction of dreams.

  • Always be in the drivers seat of your life, so you can recognize and breakthrough old patterns, saboteurs, paradigms and limiting beliefs as they arise as to continue to move forward with ease!

  • Save years of struggle and heartache by investing in yourself now for this short block of time so you can create the life you truly want and love!

  • Learn powerful communication strategies to connect more deeply and openly to the important relationships in your life so you are noticed, heard and respected.

  • Value yourself more and the confidence to say NO to things that do not serve you without guilt or excuses.

  • Create the space and time to do the things you love whilst growing your biz or spending time with family!

  • Become a happier, healthier, balanced version of yourself and being more present for your children and loved ones.

  • Attract more abundance and opportunities into you life with proven strategies that work!

I completed Jo’s program and would highly recommend it. I was one of those people who always used the excuse of not having the time!! You will have significant breakthroughs with the strategies Jo teaches that can help you get unstuck and move your life in a positive direction.

I also looked back on what I had learnt and projected in 12 months time from your program and realized it’s all happening in less than 6 months how incredible is that can’t thank you enough.
— M. D, Bulimba, QLD, Aus

Imagine if You:

  • could live the life you truly desire and constantly dream about!

  • felt calm and in control in any situation or challenge you faced!

  • had the time, energy and drive to keep moving forward towards those intentions and goals!

  • stepped into the Confident, Powerful, Successful, Empowered woman, that truly you are!

  • had life long strategies and tools at your fingertips whenever you felt stuck that kept you moving fast to manifesting your desired outcomes!

My biggest struggle before joining the program was that I was feeling stuck and couldn’t move forward, trapped in a mindset of excuses why I couldn’t achieve more.

The weekly catch-ups & strategies on mindset and how to tackle anything that seemed to be a problem was my favorite parts.

I feel like I have broken through being stuck and now have a better skill set to just make things happen. Things just started to flow, and I’ve attracted more into my life!

I was really fulfilling what I was telling myself “I don’t have time” and I didn’t! I used Jo’s strategies to embrace the Busy-ness and am now enjoying my business and manifesting more into my life.”

If you are thinking of doing it, don’t think “Just do it!!” “The best decision you will ever make
— Margie, Brisbane, QLD, Aus

What to Expect:

Each week you will receive a workbook with the topic and practices for that week.

Weekly 1-hour zoom session so you can participate from wherever you are in the world.

Unlimited email support and private group pod during the 8-weeks.

Access to all Jo’s resources for free!

A one on one 60 min private session with Jo during the 8 weeks with an hour of energetic frequencies to concrete your intentioned outcomes for the duration of the program!

You Will:

  • Learn how to recognize and remove limiting beliefs and disempowering emotions as they arise so you can move forward easily in the directions of your dreams and goals.

  • Align your values so you can focus your energy on what is most important for production and sanity!

  • Implement practices that will build structure and produce better results in your biz and life!

  • How to be in your feminine power whilst implementing masculine strategies to attract everything you desire!

  • Have a simple daily plan of action and tools to keep you balanced and moving forward with ease, flow, fun and freedom!

  • Connect with like-minded women who experience the same feelings and challenges as you. Supporting one another in a safe environment for positive change!

I created this incredible transformational group program for you! This 8-week group program that will support you in overcoming all your challenges as a mother and/or biz women. Finding YOU and time for you whilst creating the life you truly want.