About Jo Anne Irwin,

Founder of Weight Free Mind

Jo Has Been There!

After a couple of traumatic events, Jo fell into depression. She had emotionally hit the wall and was struggling to get through the day. As a single mum of 4 small children it was taking control over her life. After exploring several different modalities and alternative medicines she stumbled across some nutrition supplements that truly turned her life around. This took her on a journey of natural healing and self development. Passionately searching and learning as much as she could about spirituality, healing, the mind and all its intricate workings.

After working with people for many years on their health journey, Jo was curious why people were perpetually on a roller coaster when it came to sustaining health improvements or moving forward in their business success and life.

That’s when Jo found Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) and Hypnosis and became a Master Practitioner and Coach. She learned when we tap into the unconscious mind, where all the unresolved trauma, wounds, embedded patterns and limiting beliefs are stored, we can transform and heal our past to acheive long term results easily.

Jo has been successfully implementing NLP processes and other learned modalities in her practice, for 15 years now. She has helped transform many lives around the globe.

Jo collaborated in writing “The gift in challenge” in a series of books called “A Journey of Riches.'“ This writing process pushed her out of her comfort zone by revisiting her past and realising all the adversities she had overcome were remarkable. She was able to connect deeply to the parts of herself that where carrying so much pain from her past and heal.

All of this led Jo to doing what she does now: empowering women to be the best they can be, creating the life they love. She empowers them to move through their emotional blocks, limiting beliefs and saboutage patterns that hold them back from living their best life!

What lights Jo up most is ‘Seeing women thrive, contributing and achieving amazing things in the world!’

Holistic Coaching Approach

At WEIGHT FREE MIND I take a genuinely holistic approach to coaching you towards transforming the NEW YOU – to nurture and nourish the entire being – the BODY, the MIND and the SOUL.

The journey we take together is for you to discover and uncover what is blocking or stopping you from living your best, soul align life. It is a unique and individual journey for each person. There is so much to explore and many avenues to guide you to your desired outcomes!
— Jo Anne Irwin


As you probably aware, nourishment and movement are vital for body and mind function. We delve into the parts of ourselves that keep us from eating and moving optimally for total wellbeing. We discover why we make certain choices and how our emotions are feeding the void. We will discover what stops you from implementing these very important actions into your life. Eating well and movement are the foundations for keep our minds healthy and balanced!


Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to create change. Working with the mind, to transform old programs, patterns of behaviour, limiting beliefs and emotions that keep you stuck on the roller coaster of the life you are living is the only way forward. We discovering what is running you and use effective processes such as Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) to reprogram your unconscious mind that’s sabotaging your ultimate results is imperative for your success! We explore


Within the Spiritual Realm there is prayer, talking to God. There is meditation and becoming connected with your higher source which can be through something that you deeply enjoy and fully engage in such as gardening, art, writing, singing or dance. Practicing whatever it is for you that brings you peace. Sometimes just being, doing nothing and asking the “Infinite Knowing” questions and waiting for the answer can be incredibly powerful.


Jo Anne Irwin has 40 year’s experience in:

  • Health and Nutrition Consultant

  • Personal Personal Development Coaching

  • Business Mentoring and Coaching

  • Weight Management and Wellness Coaching

  • Meditation and Retreat and Workshop Facilitator

  • Alternative Healing Modalities, EFT, Kinesiology, Reiki, Energy, Frequency

  • Yoga, Movement and Alternative Therapies

  • Youth Program Facilitation

  • Published Author and Speaker


In addition to her experience, she is qualified to help you reprogram your unconscious mind, thinking, patterns of behaviours and limiting beliefs that do not serve you:

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner

  • Master Neurological Re-patterning

  • Master Ericksonian Hypnosis

  • Master Transformational Leader & Coach (Personal and Business)

  • Regression Therapy

  • Meditation Facilitator

  • Transformation Speaker

  • Permaculture Design Principles & Sustainable aid practices

What is certain is that an exciting adventure of self-discovery is about to unfold! I look forward to working with you and supporting with you on your journey to live your best life possible!

I would love the opportunity to get to know you and see if what I offer is the right fit. This connection, could possibly and very likely, change your life forever! Jo x