Forgiveness - The Doorway to Freedom

Practicing forgiveness is not always easy. Especially when someone has wronged or hurt you intentionally.

Carrying the pain of past hurts or wrongdoings ultimately is damaging to yourself. Anger, resentfulness, hurt, pain, revenge or any other disempowering emotions can manifest as illness and disease in the body ... not a good outcome!

Understand that forgiveness doesn’t mean you are forgiving the person's wrongdoings or behavior … on the contrary.

It purely means that you are freeing yourself from any energetic attachment. Releasing yourself from these energetic ties that are binding you to them emotionally through your thoughts.

I do not believe people intentionally set out to hurt us. People are reacting from their own past hurts, pain and personal experiences. This is not who they truly are..

These wounds can be so deeply unconscious that even they do not see or understand them consciously. And can often be carried through from generation to generation and of deep ancestral past trauma.

Understanding and accepting this makes it somewhat easier to forgive …

Forgiveness works both ways. Ultimately, you are forgiving yourself.

Forgiving yourself for all your own past pain that you’ve been carrying for so long, which also may not necessarily be yours.

Time to let go of the guilt, shame, blame, and beating yourself up! Time to let it all go…

Releasing all of these non serving emotions from your past with compassion and love, will bring you peace and closer to your true self.

If someone wrongs you or hurts you..know that this is an opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself through the practice of forgiveness..

Practice this simple 3 step healing practice. It does not need to be known or said to them, it can be done with the silent intention to forgive and send love …

  1. Understand they are coming from a place of pain and hurting themselves.

  2. Be still, tune in and scan your body with non judgment, and feel what part of your own past you need to forgive.

  3. Be still and hold that part of you with deep compassion, send kind loving thoughts and words of love and forgiveness to it, until you feel the peace

When you can say to yourself, I forgive you, I’m sorry and I love you …

This is true Freedom … x

If you feel like you need to focus a bit more on yourself this week, download my 10 Practical Daily Steps for Emotional Wellbeing


Manifesting Your Best Life